Optimus Prime , known in Japan as Convoy ( ???? , Konboi ) , is a fictional superhero robot character of the robot superhero franchise Transformer. He is the leader of the Autobots, a fictitious group of living beings who configure their own modular extraterrestrial robot life forms (eg cars and other objects). He is often featured in popular culture.
Video Optimus Prime
Biografi karakter animasi
Optimus Prime (formerly Orion Pax ) is constantly, if not always described as having strong moral character, excellent leadership, and good decision-making skills, and has brilliant military tactics, martial arts powerful, and advanced alien spacecraft. Optimus Prime has a strong sense of honor and justice, dedicated to building a peaceful co-existence and mutual benefit with humanity, the protection of life and freedom of all living species. As the current Matrix of Leadership bearer, Optimus Prime is the de facto leader of the Autobots, a faction of the species of synthetic synthetic transformation of the Cybertron planet. Autobots are constantly waging a civil war against a rival faction of a robotic transformation called the Decepticons. According to Bob Budiansky, co-writer of the Transformers series, Dennis O'Neil is responsible for his name.
Optimus Prime is usually described as a member of the ancient Transformers race called Dynasty of Primes, often receiving the title "The Last Prime" in many stories, where he is depicted as the last of the Primes. In Transformers: Covenant of Primus , it was established that Optimus Prime was the last born of the original Thirteen Transformers. It was his unique spark and his inspirational certainty that "All is One" enabled the Primes to rally and succeed in the battle against Chaos Bringer Unicron. When the tragedy finally ended the Primes era and gave birth to the new race of the lesser Transformers, he himself chose to be reborn in Well of All Sparks as one of them, that he might know them and their needs more fully. All the memories of his past life disappeared, he took the name "Orion Pax" and searched his way like other robots in the new world into Optimus Prime once again when receiving the Matrix of Leadership when Cybertron faced new enemies in his former companion Megatron and his followers, Decepticons. It brings the Great War to their Cybertron planet. Optimus's origins and personality can vary depending on the "universe" it sees. This origin is the most consistent among the various incarnations. Further differences are listed in each section below.
Generation 1
The first generation Optimus Prime turns into Freightliner FL86 on a semi truck. In his chest is a mystical amulet, known as the Autobot Matrix of Leadership or "Creation Matrix", carried by all Autobot leaders. When Optimus transforms, the taxi tractor is disconnected into a live robot, and the trailer opens to reveal a blaster ion, forming a combat deck. The combat deck supports mobile combat stations and commandos headquarters armed with artillery shells and firearms that shoot automatically. The combat deck can also serve as a radio antenna for battlefield communications between autobots. The combat deck also includes a "Roller", a mobile scout train intended to lurk behind enemy lines. When Roller is used, Optimus can see and hear what Roller sees and hears. Injury to one component is perceived by each of the other components. If the Combat or Roller deck is destroyed, Prime can survive. However, despite the little autonomy they have, the combat deck and Roller will not be able to survive without Optimus.
In the animation series, Optimus is capable of firing short-range optical explosions, holographic map projects, and hydro-foil spreading, designed by Wheeljack, to traverse water bodies with ease. In the animation series, Optimus is also given the ability to pull back the unit of his right hand and replace it with a luminous ax. Beyond the continuity of the original Transformers universe, there are various interpretations of Optimus Prime. One of the most prominent characteristics of Prime over all the continuity of its unwavering commitment to leadership through example. The animated version of Optimus Prime is described as a straightforward, thoughtful, and optimistic battlefield. In addition, the animated version of the Optimus series does not like rap music, making it against music-loving characters like Blaster and Jazz. In the Marvel Comics series, in addition to these characteristics, Prime is secretly disturbed by self-doubt and conflicting pacifism that often makes him a very reluctant warrior.
G1 Biography
Initially, Optimus Prime was created as the leader of the Autobots, although it is unknown how it was created or its origin. In a possible future, Megatron is threatened by the existence of Aerialbots and has Shockwave building a time machine to send them back in time to get rid of them. However, he only changed history for the better. In the revised timeline, Optimus Prime started life as a robot named Orion Pax , a largely powerless dock worker during the Golden Age of Cybertron nine million years ago, with a girlfriend named Ariel and a friend named Dion. During this time, new types of robots with new flying abilities appeared on the planet that Orion idolized. When Megatron, the leader of a new robot group, approached him with a question about the use of one of the dock warehouses, Orion was shaken by Megatron. Both Orion and Ariel were badly injured when Megatron and his troops attacked to claim the energy stored there. Looking for someone to help them, the displaced Aerialbots took Orion and Ariel to the ancient Autobot, Alpha Trion, who used it as the first subject for a new reconstruction process he had developed that involved redeveloping the weaker Autobot framework into more hardy-configuration battles.
With this reconstruction, Orion Pax becomes Optimus Prime, the first of the Autobot warriors. Optimus took over the leadership when the civil war against Decepticons erupted, and will remain in that position for the next nine million years. Ariel rebuilt into Elita One, commander of the Autobot resistance in Cybertron. Dion's fate was left uncovered. It has been speculated by fans that Dion may be an Ironhide or Ultra Magnus such as Orion and Ariel being Optimus and Elita, but this remains fan speculation only, and, his close friendship with Optimus though, there is no evidence to support the idea.
As leader of the Autobots, Prime leads their mission to seek new energy sources to revitalize the exhausted Cybertron. Optimus swears to Elita that he will return from his mission for him, but shortly before the launch of the Ark, Optimus mistakenly leads to believe that Elita was killed. Shortly after its launch, the Autobots ship was attacked by the Decepticons space cruiser, Nemesis , and was boarded by Megatron and Decepticons. In the ensuing struggle, G-forces from nearby planets pulled both planes down, and the Autobots crashed into the volcano, thrusting all occupants into an emergency stasis. Four million years later, in Earth Year 1984, the volcano eruption made the ship's computer, Teletraan I, alive again. The computer re-enables the Decepticons, programming them with a new Earth-based incognito mode. As a farewell movement, Starscream fired on the Autobot ship, creating an avalanche. The vibrations from the landslide struck the Prime to the path of the computer restoration beam, restoring it to life, thus starting a new war on Earth.
For the next twenty years, the Decepticons managed to wrest control of all Cybertron, forcing the Autobots to operate from their new city on Earth and two bases in the Cybertron months. On Earth in 2005, Prime, placed in Moonbase One, sent troops to Earth to get energy for an upcoming attack on Cybertron. The Decepticons, however, got wind of the plan and used the space shuttle to attack Autobot City. Call distress calling Prime and supporting troops to Earth. In a frightening epic battle, next, with Megatron, Optimus Prime suffered a fatal wound, but not before reversing the battle and forcing the Decepticons to flee. Despite the Perceptor's efforts, Optimus Prime went offline after passing the Matrix and a leader role to Ultra Magnus. His last words were "Until that day... until they all become one." The Matrix then fell into the hands of Galvatron, a Megatron was created, and was eventually taken back by the young Hot Rod Autobot, who became Rodimus Prime after carrying the Matrix. In season 3, set a year after the event at The Transformers: The Movie , Rodimus is the new leader of the Autobots.
While the animated series Transformers ended in America in 1987 after The Rebirth, production continued in Japan with three new exclusive animated series to continue the story.. The first of these series, Transformers: The Headmasters , replaces the The Rebirth event. With the Decepticons defeated, the Autobots enter into a closer relationship with Earth. Autobots also started another colonization of the world, the first being the planet of Athenia, where Optimus Prime is placed. It soon became clear, however, that the consequences of releasing the Matrix energy to heal the Hate Epidemic were much further than Optimus anticipated. Without Matrix energy to act as a balancing factor, Vector Sigma has become unstable. The Decepticons suddenly return to this exploit, attacking Cybertron to seize control of the mega-computer. Prime take troops to help in the battle on this planet. When the arrival of the Autobot Headmasters leads to a battle in their favor, Prime is cut off from the main attack and into the depths of the planet, plans to stabilize Vector Sigma at any cost.
While other Autobots are searching for Matrix on Earth, Optimus Prime seeks Vector Sigma, guided through the dangers of planet catacombs by the spirit of Alpha Trion. Prime finally arrived in front of the computer, only to find his way banned by Cyclonus and Scourge. At that time, Hot Rod arrived with the Matrix, the same as the joined Alpha Trion, reviving his energy. Matrix converts Hot Rod back into Rodimus Prime and, for the first time, the two Primes fight together and defeat Galvatron. Before Rodimus could implement the Matrix to stabilize the Sigma Vector, however, Optimus Prime merged itself with the computer, restoring its balance to save the planet. Optimus Prime sacrifices himself, dying only a few short episodes after his birth again. Then, Prime will make a final and permanent return in the continuity of the Japanese Transformers, Battlestars: Return of Convoy . This entry is only available in print, appearing on TV Magazine , Japanese publications.
Beast Era
Optimus Primal, the leader of the Maximum faction in the animated series and the Beast Wars toy line, is not Optimus Prime. Primal is a descendant of the Maximum Autobots, who take the name in honor of Optimus Prime. The same applies to Megatron in this era. Before the animated series begins, Hasbro imagines Prime and Megatron as their animal counterpart, but once the animated series begins, it's changed. The design elements, such as the Prime slitted mouth plate to add the actual mouth to the animated series and the first mini comics packed with toys, suggest this. Nonetheless, Optimus Prime and Megatron are the main reasons Beast Wars started, as Predacon Megatron's name travels back in time to change history and ensure that the Decepticons win over the Autobots.
This agenda led Predacon Megatron to attack Optimus Prime's coma in stasis on prehistoric Earth, forcing Primal to bring Prime's Spark to his body to sustain his life while his body underwent repairs. Primal then mutates into a large "Optimal Optimus" shape, which shares elements of Prime shape, before returning Spark to its proper place. Maximals are occupied throughout the remainder of the series protecting the other Prime and Transformers over the Ark that fell until the Predacons were defeated. Various monuments for Optimus Prime appear in Cybertron on Beast Machines, one of which is a holographic statue in Iacon that Megatron took over to trap Primal.
Transformer: Robots in Disguise
Optimus Prime is the fictional protagonist of the Transformers: Robots in Disguise Fire Convoy in the original Japanese version of Transformers nature. Based on the character of the same name, Prime once again leads the Autobots against the Decepticons. His voice actor, Neil Kaplan, performed his voice in a style reminiscent of Peter Cullen, the voice of the original Optimus Prime. Wired Magazine nominated Fire Convoy as one of the 12 most ridiculous Transformers ideas of all time.
Hidden on Earth as an ordinary vehicle, everyday, the Autobots are forced to emerge when Megatron and his Predacon arrive and cause chaos in their efforts to reach the power of various Earth energy sources.
In this universe, Optimus Prime turns into a fire engine. The front of the vehicle broke free and became Prime itself, armed with a "Blaze Blaster" cannon. To attack, he can use his headlights, known as the "Fire Flash" attack, and the foot wheel, known as "Gyro-Strike". The rest of the vehicle turns into a battle station/refueling/communication array and can be combined with Prime as auxiliary weapon and armor, forming its super mode called "Super Fire Convoy". The staircase part of the main force house of the Stream water cannon, capable of firing a frozen stream of water, called its Blizzard Storm attack. It also contains quartets of rocket launchers. In super mode, his legs contain missile launchers rather than being mounted to the shoulders of his usual robotic mode. In this mode, he can shoot his fist for his "Flying Fist" attack.
Optimus Prime and his brother, Ultra Magnus, were created at the same time by Alpha Trion, but when Prime was chosen to carry the Matrix, Magnus felt neglected, and left a grudge against his brother.
Then, Optimus chases Megatron to Earth to stop him plundering the planet's energy source. The Autobots faithful Prime team is at odds with Megatron's Predacons on many occasions, stopping their scheme with the help of Koji, a man whose father has been abducted by Predacon. Prime and Koji proceed to form a strong friendship, though Prime blames himself for the kidnapping of Koji's dad. Optimus proved his courage in many occasions, battling and beating Sky-Byte in an underwater duel and personally saving Side Burn from Predacon's trap. Later, when Megatron targets the tanker truck to scan as the last alternative protoform mode, Optimus Prime jumps into action to rescue the human truck driver and, as a result, tankers, prime and humans are all scanned. With Megatron's spark infusion energy to complete the concoction, Scourge was born, emerging from his pod as the dark twin of Optimus Prime. Initial Requests to Create a Scourge Remembers Autobot's true fidelity falling on deaf ears.
Prime soon had other things to worry about, when Magnus arrived on Earth in order to take the Matrix, which he believed was his right, by all means. Prime, who refused to retaliate, was badly wounded by Magnus. Magnus tracks Optimus to a remote island, where he pretends to offer him friendship, only to try to absorb the Matrix for himself. During the struggle, the brothers joined in the form of Omega Prime, also known as God Fire Convoy. Through this link, Magnus is also able to channel the power of the Matrix, which he uses to bestow Autobot Brothers into newly colored forms. Prime continues the Decepticons battle on many other occasions. Although Magnus remains a free agent, refusing to accept orders from his brother, over time, his animosity shrinks, and he often helps the Autobots by combining with Prime to fight the Predacons and Decepticons. During the final battle with Megatron's new form, Galvatron, the brothers finally reconciled. Together, they confront Galvatron at the core of the Earth and defeat him once and for all.
In the Robot Car , the original Japanese version of Robots in Disguise , there is not a single Matrix, but many are, each held by a highly rated Autobot. Magnus's god already has a Matrix, and is just trying to steal the Fire of Convoy's power to raise hers. Superpill supercharges Autobot Brothers.
Unicron Trilogy
The "Unicron Trilogy" version of Optimus Prime is the fictitious character of this Transformers knowledge branch. Appears in Transformer: Fleet , Transformer: Energon and Transformer: Cybertron (known as the trilogy mentioned above), Optimus is the heroic Autobots leader. He is often converted to his super combat mode. In all three series, the English voice actor Optimus is Garry Chalk, who previously voiced Optimus Primal in Beast Wars and Beast Machines.
In Transformers: Fleet and Transformers: Energon , Optimus Prime shares the main protagonist role with Rad, Alexis, Carlos, Starscream, and Hot Shot. Optimus of the universe shares many similarities with versions of its parallel universe, including the glory of spirits and a strong desire to protect all humans on Earth. In this continuity, the two sides are not looking for energy, but the small race of Transformers increases the power known as the Mini-Cons. Optimus leads his small group of Autobots to stop Megatron gaining their power for himself.
In his first appearance in the series, Optimus looks similar to the original G1 Optimus Prime until he copies himself with a semi-truck and designs it in a robot mode change. Soon after, he took his Mini-Con partner, Sparkplug Witwicky. The truck mode cabin breaks away to form Optimus itself, while the trailer turns into a mode of combat station that can be operated by Optimus and some Mini-Cons. Optimus can also combine with its base to form a "Super Mode" robot which, when combined with Sparkplug, can fire a series of powerful lasers. In addition, Optimus can join Jetfire and/or Overload in Super Mode for additional power.
Although the original Japanese incarnation of Transformers: Cybertron, known as Transformer: Galaxy Force, was produced separately from the Fleet and Energon. i>, the series, as initially contained by Hasbro, is as the third part of the trilogy. The English dub of the series treats it that way. Consequently, inconsistencies appear between Cybertron and the other two series, but have been described by the Cybertron comic book, available exclusively through the Official Transformers Collector Club, as a result of fluctuations in the fabric of reality caused by a black hole induced by Unicron.
In this incarnation, Optimus Prime is the main protagonist and shows a near-xenophobic reluctance by interacting with other cultures, believing that such interactions will cause more damage than good. As a result, he forbade his team to mingle with local residents Earth, Velocitron, and Jungle Planet during their search for Cyber ​​Planet Key. This attitude changed drastically when Prime realized that the only way to get the Cyber ​​Planet Key â € <â €
At the start of a new series meeting with Megatron, Red Alert contacts Autobots on Earth and asks Optimus Prime to join Velocitron. Ransack and Crumplezone cheat Hot Shot and Dirt Boss to believe that the race between them will determine who among them will be allowed to race Override for the Planet Cup. During the race, Ransack and Crumplezone caused landslides that buried the Hot Shot. Hot Shot is saved when Optimus Prime, Vector Prime, and Landmine arrive, but Optimus is upset that Hot Shot has been involved with the locals. Clocker and Brakedown are eager to help the Autobots. After not being able to obtain the Planet Cup from Beat himself, Optimus Prime supports the Hot Shot plan to win the trophy in the race with another Autobots aide. Ransack and Crumplezone were contacted by Megatron and were told to keep an eye on things. They also decided to enter the race, both to win trophies and cause as much damage as they could for other riders. Override, Dirt Boss, Ransack, Crumplezone, Optimus Prime, Hot Shot, Red Alert, Landmine, Clocker and Brakedown participate in the qualifying round. In the final episode of Transformers: Cybertron, Optimus Prime proposed a new Space Bridge project using the power of four Cyber ​​Planet Keys and four large Cybertronian ships. Many Autobots and former Decepticons join the project. Jetfire is responsible for Cybertron when Optimus Prime leads Atlantis with Earth Cyber ​​Planet Key, joining Red Alert, Safeguard, Scattorshot, Leobreaker, Menasor and Heavy Load.
Transformer series movie
In an online CGI cartoon Cyber ​​Mission â € <â € produced by TG Studios for Hasbro's website, Optimus is once again seen fighting with Megatron, this time with the help of Sideswipe. Optimus also helped Ironhide against Mindwipe.
Transformer Animated
Optimus Prime appeared in the Transformers Animated series in 2008 as a red semi-trailer truck, which can be paired with many "trailer" attachments, especially those that make it a fire truck. Unlike other Optimus Primes, this one is much younger.
Optimus has the ability to change the body part of the robot into a tool or gadget. He has a swing line on his wrist. His wrists can also shoot the bolas. The weapons include a grappler, a fire extinguisher and a negative friction spray. It's interesting that, unlike all the previous series, his face is almost always visible, because his mouth can be drawn like in a live action movie of 2007.
Animated Optimus Prime, in Earth-based fire truck mode, appears as a hidden character in Netbro's Transformer video game by Hasbro. Instead of being the leader of the Autobots, Prime is actually the washing of the Elite Guard. Although no longer a member, he maintained his military rank of "Prime". The scale chart released for the Optimus Prime show series stands approximately 22 meters.
It should be noted that prior to the premiere of Japanese translation of this series, TakaraTomy's marketing director Masahiko Yamazaki indicated a change would be made to place it as a prequel to Transformers live action in 2007. film. This will make this Optimus Prime version as an early version of the movie character. But in practice, only the changes made consist of pruning for the time to allow additional promotional materials to be added to the beginning and end, and the Sekat name change to "Ironhide" (with Ironhide being "Armorhide"). Detroit's future arrangements in the 22nd century and the characterization of the players remain as in the original production.
In the animated series, Optimus Prime was originally at the Autobot Academy and friends with Sentinel Prime and Elita One. When Elita gets lost on a planet dominated by giant spiderlike aliens, she blames herself for leaving her behind, where she is supposedly dead in a Decepticon bomb blast damaged by Energon. Sentinel does not forgive him for losing him and Optimus takes full responsibility for Elita's death. This causes Optimus Prime to quit the Autobot Academy. However, Ultra Magnus pulled out some strings so Optimus Prime could be the captain of a strange Space Shuttle crew comprising a war veterinarian named Ratchet, a budding cadet named Bumblebee, and his fellow cadets. Optimus is given the command of a space ship that is a vehicle mode Omega Supreme.
The series begins when Optimus and his crew, after taking a disappointed ninja named Prowl, are sent to clear the debris from the aisle of the space bridge. There, the Autobots stumble on the Allspark and are immediately attacked by the battle explorer Megatron, Nemesis . Through betrayal by Megatron's second in-command, Starscream, Megatron has been cut off and the Autobots crashed on Earth in the early 21st century. After being in stasis under Lake Erie for 50 years, the Autobots awaken in Detroit in the near future, where they soon discover man in need and become a city hero after stopping the wrong Sumdac Industrial experiment. During the battle for ownership of Allspark, Optimus went offline after defeating Starscream, only to be revived by Sari Sumdac and his Allspark-infused key.
In the 2-part "Endgame", Ratchet built Optimus a jetpack attachment to assist in the upcoming battle against the Decepticons. After some initial difficulties, Optimus is able to get a hang of the device, only to be shot down by Starscream female clone, Slipstream. Although Ratchet urges Optimus to use Magnus Hammer, he is reluctant to do so, recalling his past with Ultra Magnus. In the end, he used his weapon as the Lugnut-dominated Omega on Earth. During the fight, Optimus succeeds in mastering Magus Hammer's power in order not to master Megatron until his name is recognized. After a devastating battle, the remaining Omega clones destroy themselves due to the Starscream intervention. With the sacrifice of Prowl, the Allspark was rebuilt into one because it formed a barrier around the Omega clones, along with Optimus and Megatron. The spirit of Prowl attracts Optimus from the right bubbles when cloning destroys itself with Megatron still trapped inside. Prime regrets the passing Prowl before defeating the heavily damaged Megatron and dodging it from the deadly wound, saying that Megatron is not worthy of "easy way out". He and his team returned to Cybertron with Omega Supreme, captured Decepticons, and Prowl's body and were welcomed as heroes he wanted for a long time. The Allspark is reconstructed, having a structure similar to the G1 incarnation of the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, hanging on its neck.
Optimus Prime appears among characters in Re-Unification , TFCon 2010 voice actor plays comic opener. Aligned Continuity
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots main group in the Transformers franchise iteration which is mainly marked by the 2010 computer animated series Transformers: Prime at The Hub. Optimus Prime was created as the last of the Thirteen Primes, the first generation of Transformers, each created directly by Primus as a group of unique warriors to combat and defeat Unicron. After his creation, Optimus brings together The Thirteen with his greeting. All is one. While all the other members of the Thirteen each have unique abilities and artifacts, Optimus does not use special powers or weapons. It was only through his vision and his courage that the Thirteen might finally defeat Unicron. Born again through Well of All Sparks, Orion Pax to Optimus Prime, the veteran military commander and second commander who used a blaster of ions and a bladed bladed ax. He became the leader of the Autobots after Sentinel Zeta Prime fell in battle, but was not sure he wanted responsibility.
In the series Transformers: Prime , he can form bladed weapons or blasters from his hands. He has telescopic vision and turns into a long-nose semi-trailer truck. Before the Great War, Optimus Prime was originally known as Orion Pax; young data officer working at Iacon, under the wing of Alpha Trion. Orion was chosen by the High Council and became "Optimus Prime," after being entrusted with the Matrix of Leadership by Primus himself. For years fighting against his old friend/rival, Megatron, has brought Optimus and his team to Earth. After Optimus and his team first met humans on Earth, they allied themselves with them. During their battle against Decepticons on the planet, Optimus and the other Autobots suffered a great deal of harm, trying to pass it every time in their various missions to stop Megatron's exploitation of the vast Energon resources on Earth. After near-death experiences and upgrades by Forge of Solus Prime, he gets a jetpack, larger size, and combat expedition vehicle all terrain for alternative modes. During this time he proved capable of flying and seems to have increased his strength because he was seen dropping the entire Insecticons group with ease. After returning Cybertron to life at the end of the third season, the final series, Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, sees AllSpark's healing and subsequent sacrifice to save him from Unicron and return to Cybertron's core.
The sequel series, Transformers: Robots in Disguise sees Optimus contact Bumblebee to alert him of the dangers on Earth - the Decepticon prison jailer who escaped the falling ship and appeared briefly in physical form to help Bumblebee impossible newly defeated Decepticon Underbite. Optimus appeared throughout the first season as a vision to Bumblebee, although he was only allowed to do so when his last need was terrible. Living in the "Realm of the Primes", Optimus Prime began training to combat "ultimate evil" in which the first part of the training was supervised by Micronus Prime. At the end of the first season, Optimus is upgraded by the Thirteen Primes when the Fallen arrives on Earth, where he gets a body very similar to his Beast Hunters form. After Fallen seems to be destroyed, Optimus Prime stays with the Bumblebee group, though he states he will only do it as "the same" Bumblebee, rather than the leader. However, the Thirteen then recaptured the extra power they gave him, leaving him weakened but still determined to help the team.
Optimus Prime also appears in Transformers: Rescue Bots , declares to take place in the same universe as Prime , as the Autobots leader turns into a semi-trailer truck, though unlike the appearance of Prime , it is flat like its G1 counterpart. He gave the Bots Rescue Bots mission and mainly appeared mainly through the screens, appearing physically in the first episode and then at the end of the first season, where his truck mode was spotted for the first time on screen. He then returns, with or without Bumblebee, many times throughout the second and third seasons as a recurring character. In the episode "Land Before Prime," Optimus Prime arrives on Wayward Island to help Rescue Bots. He scans Trex as a secondary form in which it acquires the Tyrannosaurus form, making it a Triple Changer, although he states that scanning something techno-organic may have unexpected results. While he lost control of this "Primal Mode" at first, the Rescue Bots determined that the loss of control was due to Energon's low reserves, and was able to recharge its energy and return it to normal using an energy patch. At the end of the third season, Optimus helps his old friend, Tide Tinggi, along with new members, Blurr and Salvage, rescues Griffin Rock and then sends Heatwave and his team on a new mission to use the island as a "test spot" to reveal their true identity as alien.
Voice Actors
Optimus Prime is especially voiced by Peter Cullen in most of his incarnations, who voiced it in the original series. After the 2007 film production, Cullen replicated its role for the sequel and supporting media and will even voice Optimus in the later series like Transformers: Prime . Optimus has been voiced by a number of other voice actors in other series such as Neil Kaplan, Garry Chalk, and David Kaye in the Transformers: Robots in Disguise series, the Unicron Trilogy and Transformers Animated , each.
Maps Optimus Prime
Video game
Generation 1 Optimus Prime has appeared in many video games since the introduction of the Transformers series. He made a cameo in 1999's Beast Wars Transmetals video game for Nintendo 64, where he was killed by Megatron at the end of the campaign, showing what would happen in the Beast Wars series with Predacon's victory. Prime is also one of the playable characters in the Japanese game Transformers 2003 for PlayStation 2 and 2010 Transformers: War for Cybertron . Optimus Prime can also be played in the Jet Hasbro Net Jet Transformer Transformers Battle Universe game. Three versions of Optimus Prime are playable characters, including first generation incarnations, the incarnations of the 2007 live-action movie, and the incarnation of the Transformers Animated . In this game, Optimus Primal is also a playable character. He is a regular character in the game fighting Nintendo GameCube and PlayStation 2 2003 DreamMix TV World Fighters . He appears as the boss in a simple Flash-based video game on Hasbro's website.
Generation 1 Optimus Prime is also offered as downloadable content for some third party shooter version of 2009 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen .
Unicron Trilogy Optimus Prime is one of the characters that appears in the video game Transformers 2004 for PlayStation 2.
Movies Optimus Prime has appeared in many Transformers video games.
In Autobot Campaign , Optimus Prime provides intelligence and mission to Bumblebee in its search for Allspark. Finally, the lead leads the Autobot to Sam Witwicky. After saving Sam from Barricade, Bumblebee finally completes the preparations for the Autobots to arrive on Earth. After being on Earth and after telling two teenagers of their mission, Prime and Autobots were discovered by Sector 7. Optimus sends Jazz on a mission of transferring high speed destruction, then sends Ironhide to rescue Jazz from the double threat posed by government agents and various Decepticon guides. When Bumblebee is captured, Prime transforms and pursues the chopper to which the small Autobot is bound. After a long pursuit, Prime managed to catch the net, only to be thrown by another Cybertronian meteor. When Bumblebee is taken away, Optimus promises he will not disappoint him again. Jazz told him that the meteor is not Autobot. Prime faces a new threat, which turned out to be a Shockwave Triple-Shocker Decepticon. The two battles were at Tranquility before Optimus finally destroyed them. During the battle, Optimus overhears the transmission of Starscream which reveals the location of the Allspark. Optimus then returns to intel's role as he guides Bumblebee on his mission to take the Allspark from Hoover Dam. Unfortunately, the Decepticons managed to free Megatron, leading to the final battle in Mission City. When the Autobots fought all out with the Decepticons to protect Sam and Allspark, things got worse as Megatron finally arrived. Before he can claim Allspark, Optimus attacked him. Optimus defeats Megatron and leaves him on the ground, seems to have no life. However, just as Sam gave the Allspark to Optimus, Megatron awoke, jumping on Optimus with a chain-swinging out, making one last attempt at defeating his enemy. Optimus grabs the chain, pulls Megatron closer, and, with Allspark clutching his fist, gives a blow through Megatron's splash, kills him. Optimus reflects the losses and rewards of this battle, because the Autobots have a new home, but many are killed in battle. The story ends with Optimus and Autobots choosing to stay on Earth, proclaiming it as their new home.
Optimus Prime appears near the end of the Decepticon Campaign . Sam and Mikaela tell Optimus that all Autobots are defeated by the Decepticons. Optimus stated that they sacrificed their lives to protect the Allspark, and their sacrifice would not be in vain. Leaving Sam and Mikaela in a safe place, Optimus faces Megatron, but is defeated. Weak and broken, Optimus crawls to the Allspark. However, Megatron attacks Optimus with a chain, killing him.
In Transformers: Autobots , Optimus Prime met with other Autobots to give further orders to his troops. Create-A-Bot, a new rookie, wants to help in the cause, but Optimus tells him to sit back while another Autobots against Decepticons. Create-A-Bot finally opposes the order and completes its mission against the Optimus board. After almost making himself and other Autobots killed, Create-A-Bot apologizes to Optimus personally. Feeling sorry for the newcomer, Optimus let him go with a loud warning, and they moved together to face Megatron, who had absorbed the power of Allspark. Optimus against Megatron, but Megatron grabbed his upper hand. Optimus was on the brink of defeat when Create-A-Bot took Allspark and drove to Megatron's chest, weakening Megatron but wounding himself in the process. Optimus is against Megatron again, defeating him. When Megatron was on the ground, he told Optimus that if he killed him, Allspark would be destroyed and Cybertron would never be restored. Optimus told Megatron that he would do what he had to do, then he lifted his sword and killed Megatron, destroying Allspark in the process. Create-A-Bot is also dead, but not before informing Optimus his last wish to make Earth a new home for Autobots and to protect humans. The game ended with Optimus sending a message to all the surviving Autobots that sheltered amongst the stars.
In Transformers: Decepticons , Optimus Prime landed on Earth with other Autobots to stop Decepticons. Optimus did not appear until Megatron was released and Starscream escaped with Allspark. Optimus was against Megatron, but was defeated and killed while Megatron was pursuing both powerful traitors. In the 2009 video game Revenge of the Fallen by Activision, Optimus Prime is one of the characters that can be played.
Optimus Prime is also one of the characters that appeared in flash game TRANSFORMERS CVBERVERSE Battle Builder Game . Optimus Prime is one of the Autobots featured in Transformers: The Ride at Universal Studios theme park. On the way, Optimus opposes the attacking Decepticons in N.E.S.T. headquarters when telling Evac to escape with the AllSpark shards. He battles Megatron all the way until Megatron is killed by Evac. Optimus then congratulates Evac and the riders for protecting AllSpark.
Animated Optimus Prime is one of the playable characters in the 2008 Transformers Animated video game for Nintendo DS.
The younger version of Prime Optimus Prime is one of the autobot characters that can be played in the 2010 video game Transformers: War for Cybertron. In the Autobot campaign, he started out as Optimus, a fighter who rides his fellow autobots against the Decepticons after the death of their reported leader, Zeta Prime. He managed to defend the home town of Autobots Iacon from Starscream and his troops. Optimus then receives an emergency call from Zeta Prime. Knowing that this is most likely the trap set by Megatron, he continues with a rescue mission. He allowed himself, Bumblebee, and Sideswipe to be captured by the Decepticons and sent to prison in Kaon, the capital of deception, in a complicated scheme to free Zeta Prime and all imprisoned Autobots. He freed all the other prisoners, and defeated Soundwave and his minions Frenzy, Rumble, and Laserbeak, but he was too late to save Zeta Prime. After taking Zeta Prime's body back to the high council of the Autobot, she was given a well earned Prime Degree.
Optimus Prime then informs that Megatron has infected the core of Cybertron with dark energy and was given the task to cancel the damage done. After rescuing the Omega Supreme, Optimus, Ironhide, and Prowl struggled to the core, but it was too late. The nucleus informs Optimus that it is too damaged. It can repair itself by closing, but it will take millions of years. At that time, Cybertron had to be cold, barren, and uninhabitable. The nucleus gives Optimus a small piece of its own, saying it will stick around for that part. Optimus accepts the load and core releases the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.
Realizing that the planet is dying, Optimus ordered mass evacuations of all Autobot cities, but many transport ships were destroyed by Trypticon Satellite Decepticon, under orders from Megatron that no one will leave the planet. He orders Aerialbots Jetfire, Silverbolt and Air Raid to fly and destroy Trypticon. The air trio managed to destroy Trypticon jet packets and send the Decepticon giant crashing into Cybertron, where Optimus Prime and Autobots together to narrowly defeat him, sending him plunging into a pool of raw energy. Optimus and Autobots are left voluntarily staying and retaining Cybertron from Megatron for as long as possible while the rest evacuate the planet. He commissions a big ship known as Ark to transport the remaining Autobots into space when the time comes.
In Nintendo DS War for Cybertron: Autobots games, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are the two initial characters that can be played in the game. Optimus Prime appears in the next game, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron .
Over the years, there have been many action figures created in the original incarnation form of Optimus Prime, some of which have been featured in fiction, others have not. In addition, some toy makers have made unlicensed toys in their drawings or accessories for existing toys. The original 1984 Optimus Prime toy was part of the 1983 Diaclone toy line in 1983 called "Battle Convoy". It was designed by Hiroyuki Obara's creative design team, Shoji Kawamori, best known for his work on Macross , and Kohjin Ohno. Characteristics of toys, such as the head design and the use of the front cabin as the upper body, have become the design elements in virtually every incarnation and variant of Optimus Prime. This particular toy has been published several times, mostly to commemorate the anniversary of the Transformers franchise. Optimus Prime was also released as Master of Action and Powermaster toys in the original Transformers toy line.
For the Generation 2 toys lineup, the original Optimus Prime toys were altered somewhat and the electronics maker added. Optimus Prime's Optimus Prime Heroes, Optimus Prime Laser, and Optimus Prime Gobot, can be a red Lamborghini car. In 2003, Takara introduced Masterpiece MP-01 Convoy/Optimus Prime. While retaining the original concept of a transformer semi-trailer truck, this die-cast figure incorporated modern toy manufacturing techniques to enhance detail and articulation, while, at the same time, capturing the look of cartoon characters. Since then it has been released by Hasbro and Takara Tomy in various variations. In 2010, the version of the Masterpiece toy, called Masterpiece Convoy Sleep Mode, was released, painted in dark colors to match Optimus Prime's appearance after his death in the 1986 film. In 2006, Hasbro introduced Optimus Prime's Alternator transformed into a 1:24 scale model licensed Dodge Ram SRT-10. In 2011, Takara Tomy released the MP-10 Convoy, a smaller, more accurate version of Masterpiece Optimus Prime.
More stuff
Optimus Prime is one of three Autobot figures available to play in the Monopoly Transformers Collectors Edition game. As the main figure of the entire Transformers franchise, Optimus Prime has been showing more merchandise than can be mentioned here. Several statues and sculptures of Optimus Prime and themed objects Optimus Prime has been released by various companies since the return of the famous Transformers, such as "Optimus Prime Oral Care Station". Other figures released include various PVCs as part of Takara's "Super Collection Figure" line, which was later imported as part of Hasbro's "Heroes of Cybertron" series. Large "Mega Collection Images" PVC is articulated and comes with energy axes and weapon numbers. As part of the wave of merchandising for the first Transformers movie in 2007, the Hasbro's Playskool line released the Transformer-powered version of Mr. Potato Head based on Optimus Prime. To stick with the potato theme, the toy was labeled "Optimash Prime" and its packaging included the slogan "Over filling", a potato-oriented version of the Transformers slogan "More than meets the eye".
Transformer Cinematic Universe
Optimus Prime appeared in the live-action Movie Transformers series as the leader of the Autobots and one of the main protagonists. In the first three films, he was able to transform into a conventional Peterbilt 379 cab, rather than a cabin over his original body design Generation 1 . In Transformers: Dark of the Moon, he gets the form of a first-generation trailer before it turns into 2014 Western Star 5700 Concept. Also deviating from the design G1 , the Prime vehicle mode is now adorned with red flames painted into the blue body ÃÆ' la la Rodimus Prime, his successor Generation 1 . The reason for the change was due to the decision of Director Michael Bay that mass transfer did not occur when they changed, requiring Optimus vehicle form to have more mass to reach the desired size in the form of robot.
Although the character was redesigned to some extent, like other characters in the film, many of the classic design elements remain in robot mode including red dominated bodies, especially blue feet, the presence of a window in his chest, a pile of smoke on his shoulders, and a head design influenced by the original, featuring iconic faceplate and ear finials. Faceplate is able to pull back to reveal the mouth. His weapons include his iconic blaster ion, the Barrage gun, two enchanting dragons stretching from his forearm, which is a tribute to Prime energy ax in the Generation 1 animation series, and two retractable energy hooks that stretch from his wrist. The trailer contains energy axes, shields and flight equipment. In later IDW comics, it displays the ability to generate holographic drivers.
In San Diego ComicCon 06, it was announced that Optimus Prime's voice actor Peter Cullen will reprise his role for the third movie. Cullen has commented that Prime is basically the same in the third movie as the previous two, and retains the same basic personality.
The 2000 series incarnation series from Optimus Prime was greeted with a warm welcome. It was crowned as the 30th greatest movie superhero of all time by "Total Film Magazine".
Engagement in movies
The Optimus Prime character first appeared in the 2007 Transformers movie as the leader of the Autobots in the Allspark search. He intends to destroy it, even if it means sacrificing himself, before the Decepticons can use it to create a new army to conquer the universe. Upon arriving and scanning Peterbilt trucks, Optimus greets Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes, introduces his men and explains why they came to Earth. During the final battle, Optimus kills the hateful Decepticon Bonecrusher and confronts his old enemy, Megatron. Unable to match Megatron in battle, Optimus urges Sam to push the Allspark to his chest, which will destroy both. Instead, Sam stuffs the Allspark into Megatron's chest, destroying it and killing the Decepticon leader. The movie ends with Optimus sending a space-in signal, inviting other Autobots to join them on Earth.
Optimus Prime is back in the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen . He led the Autobots as part of the NEST in hunting the remaining Decepticons on Earth. He then involved in battle with Starscream, Grindor, and Megatron who was raised. Though Optimus injured Starscream and killed Grindor, he was eventually killed and killed by Megatron. However, Optimus was raised during a battle in Egypt by Sam using the Matrix of Leadership. He then fused into Jetfire's body, giving him a very powerful upgrade mode. After disabling Megatron, he killed The Fallen, forcing Megatron and Starscream back. At the end of the movie, Optimus thanked Sam for resurrecting and sending messages in space, hoping to find more Autobots.
Optimus reappeared in the 2011 movie Transformers: Dark of the Moon . Optimus received his own armament consisting of weapons and aviation technology that turned into a trailer for him to be brought in the form of a vehicle. After assisting NEST's operation in fighting Shockwave at Chernobyl, Optimus learned that humans had hidden the discovery of an ancient Cybertronian ship on the moon. He revives his old mentor, Sentinel Prime, with the Matrix of Leadership. However, Sentinel Prime later betrays the Autobots, Ironhide assassinations, removes most of NEST, and brings Decepticons to Earth with the Pillars of Bridges. During the battle in Chicago, Optimus kills Shockwave, Driller, and many Decepticon Protoforms. Finally, Optimus challenges the treacherous Sentinel Prime and they are involved in a fierce duel. At first, Optimus seems to have the upper hand, but Sentinel eventually defeated him and injured his right arm. However, before the Sentinel can deliver a killing blow, Megatron attacks and injures him, having realized that he can never remain a Decepticons leader during the Sentinel in general. Megatron tries to make a fake ceasefire with Optimus, but Optimus does not fall for it and attack Megatron, decapitating his head with his combat ax. Optimus then bitterly executed the wounded Sentinel with a Megatron rifle. With the Decepticons defeated and the war finally over, Optimus and the Autobots accept Earth as their new home.
For the Transformers: Age of Extinction , Optimus Prime initially transformed into a rusty 1973 Marathon truck in 1973 and then in a new alternative mode with the custom Star Star 5700 custom blue and red truck. After humans turn on all Transformers, regardless of fraction, Optimus and other Autobots are hiding. Eventually, they find themselves hunted by an evil organization called Cemetery Wind. Optimus was seriously injured in the traps set by the group, while many other Autobots, including Ratchet and Leadfoot, were killed. An inventor, Cade Yeager, came to Prime's help and helped restore his health. After unifying with a small group of Autobots, Optimus faces Lockdown, a cruel prize hunter allied to humans, and KSI, an organization that produces man-made Transformers. Optimus is caught by Lockdown, but the Autobots save him. Optimus quickly lost faith in humanity, but at Cade's insistence, chose to stay and fight Megatron who rose and his new army. Prime evokes ancient Dinobots, and drives a newly tamed Grimlock into combat through Hong Kong. He killed Lockdown and Harold Attinger at the movie's climax in retaliation for killing many of his friends, including Ratchet and Leadfoot. At the end of the film, he leaves Earth and flies into space, finding out the truth about his mysterious Creator.
Optimus Prime is back in Transformers: The Last Knight , which is set three years after the previous movie event. Once frozen in a vacuum, Optimus has drifted in the far part of the solar system of Earth for some time. However, he then landed on Cybertron, the atmosphere revived him. He then faces the creature that currently controls the planet, a powerful magician named Quintessa, who claims to be the maker he is looking for. Optimus is easily conquered by Quintessa, who convinces her that she destroys Cybertron and reveals that Earth is actually Cybertron's "old enemy" Unicron. Redubbing her "Nemesis Prime", Quintessa brain-wash Optimus and her task by taking her stolen staff, with whom she plans to drain the life force of Earth/Unicron so Cybertron can be recovered. Nemesis managed to take on his staff, but was stymied by Bumblebee, whom he was involved in a fierce duel. Nemesis nearly kills Bumblebee, but when the normally dumb Bumblebee suddenly speaks, urges Prime to remember who he is, his old friend's voice is enough for Optimus to return. However, Megatron, declared allied with Quintessa, swooped and stole staff from Optimus. Prime was later attacked and sentenced to death by Guardian Knight for helping Quintessa, but she was rescued by Cade Yeagar, who convinced Optimus to correct her mistake. Optimus leads the Autobots in an attack on Quintessa's nest, where he kills Infernocons and defeats Megatron. Optimus then attacks Quintessa, distracting him long enough for Bumblebee to shoot and seem to yawn. At the end of the movie, Optimus and the other Autobots return to Cybertron, unaware that Quintessa is still alive.
Optimus Prime back in spin-off Bumblebee: The Movie .
In popular culture
- The statue of Optimus Prime as high as four meters (12.2 m) is in Kunming city in Yunnan Province, China. It is located near several car dealerships.
- In South Park trilogy "Imaginationland", Optimus Prime is one of the soldiers who fought on the side of a good imaginary character.
- A figure in the form of Optimus Prime appears in a window pattern and other marks in the background of the Assassin's Creed game.
- Optimus Prime is parodied in several episodes of Robot Chicken . He is voiced by character actor Abraham Benrubi.
- In 2003, a United States National Guard officially changed his name to "Optimus Prime" on his 30th birthday.
- Sheldon Comics includes some comics containing Optimus Prime toys or referring to Optimus Prime.
- Along with the launch of the live action film of 2007, Hasbro released a version of Mr. Potato Head from Optimus Prime named Optimash Prime and a luxurious toy transformation called Softimus Prime.
- Optimus Prime is mentioned in Lemon Demon's song "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny".
- In the 2006 comedy film Clerks II , Elias states that the screen name is Optimus Prime.
- The Canadian military operation in Afghanistan is codenamed "Op Timis Preem".
- British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told the news media that "Optimus Prime can solve the current problems in our world."
- At the Jewish meeting near the end of Family Guy's "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein" episode, Peter Griffin discovered that Optimus Prime was a Jew when the robot arrived at a meeting in the form and transformation of the vehicle, complete with a yarmulke and Tallit.
- The Legacy Brewing Company of Reading, Pennsylvania, now gone bankrupt, makes the Imperial India Pale Ale called "Hoptimus Prime". This drink also appeared in the game Xbox 360 2008 Fable II .
- Optimus Prime, as well as the entire Transformers franchise, is mentioned in the 2009 song "I Can Transform Ya", by Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, and Swizz Beatz. This music video also features the players 'transformation' to various cars and motorcycles in the same way as a sequence of transformations in the film series.
- Optimus Prime is mentioned in a verse of the song "Get at Me Dog" by DMX
- Optimus Prime is featured in Seth MacFarlane Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy in a short cartoon in which Prime is having sex with a human woman in robot mode. When he reaches the climax, he turns into a vehicle mode and destroys his partner.
- In 2011, James Reimer, the rookie goaltender of the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team, has been dubbed "Optimus Reim" because of his positive attitude and his machine-like ability to stop the chip.
- Presenter Tanner Foust made a reference to Optimus Prime in the Top Gear USA segment while driving Peterbilt 379 (Optimus vehicle disguised in the 2007 film)
- Optimus Prime made some appearances on Cartoon Network's Mad (both in the form Generation 1 and Movie). He is voiced by Gary Anthony Williams.
- In the Disney series A.N.T. Farm, Fletcher makes a reference to Optimus Prime when challenging Nigel to turn into a truck (which he somehow can do).
- Seattle Seahawks Cornerback Richard Sherman is sometimes referred to by his fans as Optimus Prime.
- Optimus Prime is mentioned in the 2015 song '' WTF (Where They From) ', by rapper Missy Elliott ft Pharrell Williams, in Pharrell's poem:'... lyrically I am Optimus Prime, see how I drive, see my trip... '', directly refers to the speeches of experienced Optimus and Transformers vehicle mode.
Movie incarnation
During the promotion of Transformers movies, Optimus Prime appears in some ads. Optimus Prime, along with other Transformers, is featured in several ads for General Motors. The scene with Optimus Prime is used in some General Motors ads. The ads for Discovery Channel show Optimus Prime singing part of the promotional song.
Optimus also appears on the Late Show with David Letterman , giving "Top Ten Things That Look Cool When Spoken by a Giant Robot".
At BotCon 2010, Hasbro named Optimus Prime as one of the first five robots to be adopted in the Transformers Hall of Fame.
- Furman, Simon (2004). Transformers: The Ultimate Guide . DK Publishing Inc. pp.Ã, 110, 118. ISBNÃ, 1-4053-0461-8. Ã,
External links
- Optimus Prime in Curlie (based on DMOZ)
- Official website
- The page on Optimus Prime in Transformers Wiki
Source of the article : Wikipedia